Category Archives: Life Insurance

Life Insurance Myths Busted

Asking someone without life insurance for reasons they haven’t yet bought coverage will likely result in many answers. These reasons are usually invalid because they were not given all the information. We are here to tell you the truth about life insurance.

Life Insurance Benefits for People over 50

Many people, especially those over 50, are experiencing a dramatic increase in their living costs. This is due to high unemployment and high inflation. Many people have turned to insurance companies to get life insurance for over-50s.

3 Things People Need To Know When Buying Life Insurance

Are you looking to purchase life insurance? If you answered yes, congratulations! You can use life insurance to pay for a funeral as a source revenue source. It will not only provide compensation for beneficiaries you have named on the policy, but it will also offer annuities each year. Before you make any purchase, it is important to research this type of insurance coverage. These are some facts to help you choose the right life insurance policy.